Postpartum Care

For a mother, the first 42 days and the fourth trimester, is a deeply transformational time in Ayurvedic tradition.

In these early weeks, a new mother is nourished with a specific protocol of healing foods and medicinal herbs to cleanse her body, strengthen tissues, rebuild blood, regulate hormones, promote mental and emotional balance, and to assist with lactation. 

The mother is also cared for and tended to through nurturing and traditional bodywork treatments and therapies, giving her the space to rest and to heal so that she may then nurture and care for both herself and her baby with balance, with health and with love.


  • Healing food preparation

  • Herbal preparations of teas, infusions, elixirs to assist with all facets of postpartum recovery

  • Traditional in-home body work therapies

  • Ayurvedic womb and belly binding

  • Home visits and daily check ins

  • Infant care, including baby Abhyanga (warm oil massage), advice to address newborn digestion, skin sensitivities, and remedies for restfulness